The long fight is over. At least, it appears to be over. I have an invitation in my hand, offering a position to serve in the Peace Corps as a Secondary School English Teacher in the country of Azerbaijan. It is a job I knew I would be doing when I was finally invited, but the country is a proverbial "out of left field" selection.
Since finding out my assignment, I have been taking in a crash course in Azerbaijan and the Azeri culture. The
State Department,
CIA, and the
Peace Corps all provide extensive dossiers on the country; yet there is a lot to learn about this country, culture, and language.
This post simply introduces my job. I leave on Sept. 23, 2010 and serve until Dec. 2, 2012. According to my Days Until iPhone app, I have 853 days ahead of me until the experience will be complete. That'll go by quicker than I probably can imagine. And I can't wait to get on the plane to Philadelphia for a couple of days of staging before flying on to Azerbaijan.
As I work through the invitation paperwork and toward staging, I will update the blog and hopefully have time to reflect on the process. It's been a long road with many intriguing twists, so it would be fun to share the highs and lows of what I went through.